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运输或者搬家到蒙古国乌兰巴托、中亚、俄罗斯、铁路、汽运、散货拼箱、整柜运输。双清到门 [Copy this link to quote]

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Post time: 2018-10-16 16:04:27
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Hello dear Customers ,
We are good at moving from Beijing to Ulaanbaatar , Mongolia ; Middle Asia  ; Go by Railway , Truck . FCL , LFL etc bussiness.  
Main business :
Packing and Transportation in China
Contact : Andrew
Wechat : beijingmover
Tel: 010-56283376
Mobile : 13717772317
我们擅长国际搬家,主要业务:从中国运输或者搬家去外蒙古乌兰巴托、中亚、俄罗斯、铁路、汽运、散货拼箱、整柜运输。双清到门。从北京到香港运输,欢迎咨询。。联系人:安先生,电话: 13717772317

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